How to Choose and Use Concrete Ground Pump

Posted On: 30/07/2024 | Posted by: Haomei Concrete Pumps

Concrete pumping is a modern way of delivering concrete. Compared with traditional methods, concrete ground pump can quickly deliver concrete to the construction site, greatly improving construction efficiency. It avoids the cumbersome process of manually carrying or lifting concrete in traditional methods, reducing labor and time consumption.

The concrete pump trailer is inconvenient to move, but the pressure is extremely high and the displacement is small, so it is suitable for a long-term work on a construction site, and the concrete is poured very high and very far. The concrete pipelines can be laid to places that are difficult for other pumps to reach, and the concrete can be filled and poured in place under a certain pressure. The pumps can also be used together to increase the delivery distance and height to meet various construction requirements.

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When purchasing concrete equipment, the first thing we see is the technical parameters. Usually a concrete pump has the following main technical parameters: delivery displacement, outlet pressure, motor power and distribution valve form.

According to the marked outlet pressure level, it is divided into low-pressure pump (≤5MPa), medium-pressure pump (6-10MPs) and high-pressure pump (>10MPa); according to the maximum delivery volume per hour, it ranges from 20-100m3, and most fine stone concrete pumps can achieve two-speed variable displacement or stepless variable.

There are many factors that determine the pumping distance of the concrete pouring pump. The first is the maximum pumping pressure of the equipment, which directly determines the farthest pumping height and horizontal distance. Secondly, the performance of the concrete will also affect its pumping distance.

When pumping, the principle of high-grade concrete first and low-grade concrete later should be adopted to avoid using low-grade concrete in high-grade concrete. The water tank should be filled with fresh water during pumping operations. The pumping speed should be slow at first and then fast, and gradually accelerate. According to the different pumping heights and concrete grades, check the pressure gauge value and adjust the main oil pump displacement to determine the maximum pumping speed.

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